Jim Priest
Community Beginner
Jim Priest
Community Beginner
‎Aug 26, 2022
12:29 PM
If you'd like to see Adobe ColdFusion Builder Extension on your VS Code supported on Linux please vote here: https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4214667
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‎Jan 30, 2022
01:28 PM
Went back and forth with Adobe support. They eventually suggested re-installing ColdFusion which wasn't really feasible at the time. No longer working at the same place so no idea if it was ever resolved unfortunately.
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‎Jun 18, 2021
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
Charlies has provided a great 'todo' list in his blog post above. I hope Adobe addresses these issues ASAP 🙂 Everything I run these days is via Docker so it's frustrating when I have to fumble about with ColdFusion because it doesn't conform to what everyone else is doing.
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‎Jun 15, 2021
09:28 AM
Needed to update my CF Addons container and went to Adobe Docker page and found out that Bintray is dead (good) but that instead of moving CF Docker files to someplace like Docker Hub - I have to manually download a .tar file? It's 2021? Is Adobe serious about Docker / containers and modern infrastructure???? And the best part was when I finally DID manually download the CF2018 tar file for the container image it was broken. So frustrated with Adobe's direction lately.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
01:03 PM
LOL to add some more mystery... We have another 2018 issue where cfdumps and errors are not styled. Today I got fed up with my local Docker instance which was doing this and decided to install Commandbox locally. My co-worker has this setup and has no issues. Setup CommandBox - crank up the app - and I get the same 'Error while resolving the relationship' error as we see in our dev environment. What's interesting is that it refers to a different bean, and refreshing the cache doesn't fix it. My coworker is using an older Mac and had an older JDK on it but I switched my CommandBox to both v8 and v11 and still get the same error. Now I'm going to trash all this and install CF locally just for laughs. Then I'm going to surf Indeed.com for Python jobs. LOL
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‎Feb 11, 2021
05:47 AM
No mappings defined in application.cfc. Issue does happen w/no load. Last night I was trying some more ideas. No one was using the machines except me. I restarted CF. First request it spins and displays the error.
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‎Feb 10, 2021
05:20 PM
For 'mappings' I'm not sure what you mean. But in general our app has several sections and they are all similar with the same sort of MVC structure with similar beans. Which is why this error is so puzzling. Why does it bomb at this particular one each time? And why does simply clearing the cache 'fix' it?
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‎Feb 10, 2021
12:46 PM
Thanks Charlie!! Yes Kevin and I work together. 🙂 It is weird - that why I tried all sorts of different things with the class files - thinking the same way you are - if it runs - why isn't that 'good' file being saved and re-used. I have not tried clearing individual folders - but that might be worth trying just to see if I can narrow things down. I know about the Admin API but not sure of a secure way to store and use the admin credentials. It's on my radar to look at again but the Jenkins hack was a quick and dirty way to reset things on a schedule. As far as mappings we have one for /gateway which I think was default in 2018 and then we have added one for /testbox. Neither are used by our main application.
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‎Feb 10, 2021
10:17 AM
I have tried everything I can thing of with caching 🙂 - Enabled and disabled saving class files - Purging class files - yes I did stop CF service first to ensure they were all deleted - Also tried Charlies suggestion of renaming the dir and letting ColdFusion create it again As for your last question - it basically happens on the first request. Restart service, first request always gets this error. We clear the cache and the app runs fine until the next restart. This is our 'stage' environment - ColdFusion installed locally. Same code running on our local developer machines - some folks using Docker and some using locally installed CommandBox - we never see this error. Right now my kludgly work around is to run a Jenkins job every morning which uses Cypress to login to the admin and reset the cache via the web admin LOL.
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‎Feb 09, 2021
06:31 AM
Table and all columns exist. I've opened 3 issues with Adobe support (including this one) and almost a month later none of them are resolved. Note to self: Just because you pay 5 figures for a piece of software doesn't mean you get support to match. Note to people considering Adobe ColdFusion - Google 'Lucee'.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
11:08 AM
Here is gist of the properties in question and the one it's related to https://gist.github.com/jimpriest/11134f907f45ee4367879c86a4961f76
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‎Jan 21, 2021
09:17 AM
If it was an ORM or property issue I'd expect it to always fail? It doesn't. I've never gotten this error in my local environment, and in our dev environment we have 3 CF instances, all running the same code, and this issue will only occur in one of the instances? Once the cache is cleared the app will run fine all day.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
06:14 AM
The other thing to note as well as we have 5 developers and no one runs into this on their local with basically the same settings. One thing to note maybe per Dave's suggestion is I believe all of the developers are running via Commandbox / Docker with no IIS.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
05:57 AM
It's a weird issue as it's not consistent. We have 3 instances running and for example 2 of them will load file and one will fail with this error. All three are running the same application. It started doing this in 2016 and continues in 2018. I also tried disabling the "Save Class Files" options and toasted all the files in the cfclasses directory - but still got the error this morning. We could do some kind of 'warm up' per Dave's suggestion . We have Jenkins. I actually cobbled together a job that logs in every morning and hits the cache flush buttons in the admin.
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‎Jan 20, 2021
02:36 PM
And there is a bug open for this: https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4204866
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‎Jan 20, 2021
02:35 PM
Just to follow up on this - we also recently moved from 2016 to 2018 and are seeing this issue. The weird thing is I see this on our development server (native install on Windows), but in my local dev environment (Commandbox Docker) I get the correct blue styled error screen. And of course this worked fine on CF2016 in both environments. And I am NOT calling the dump within a CFC. Its basically a FW/1 app, I have an error() method in my main which does some logging, and then in my error.cfm view - I call cfdump. <cfdump var="#request.exception#" label="dump in main.error" abort="true" />
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‎Jan 14, 2021
10:46 AM
I created an example here: https://github.com/jimpriest/adobe-coldfusion-addons-docker
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‎Jan 14, 2021
10:06 AM
I'm trying to get ColdFusion 2018 running using the official Adobe Docker images. In the past we've used the CommandBox images with great success but this app is using cfhtmltopdf and I need the PDF server. I have built a docker-compose: https://gist.github.com/jimpriest/fbf64333531f6d36030aa4ab0f6424f0 I'm using a Dockerfile in order to install Commandbox and CFConfig to restore my server settings. This runs, my app fires up. I can open CFAdmin and confirm the connection in the PDF Service tab (I get an "OK"). But when trying to generate a PDF I get a vague error: ServiceManagerConversionException: Error occurred while generating PDF This same code works fine on a normal ColdFusion 2018 install so I am going to assume this is not a code issue. This page (https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/pdf-generation-in-coldfusion.html) mentions needing to install some imb-type-1 fonts in Linux (which is what the Docker container is using) and if I shell into both the ColdFusion container and the Add ons I only see a 'truetype' folder in the /usr/share/fonts folder. I even tried copying these files over but still get an error. How can I troubleshoot this issue? Has anyone gotten this to work?
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‎Apr 05, 2019
11:16 AM
What I ended up doing View - user clicks button (JS disables button during request) Form submits to controller Controller gets data, creates file and writes that to temp dir, sets rc.fileExists = yes Controller redirects back to original view In the view I check for rc.fileExists flag - if that exists I immediately do a window.open with a _blank with URL pointing to file Browser does it's thing - opens the file in another tab but goes back to the original view and the button is reset since we refreshed the page A bit clunky but it works and the client is happy.
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‎Apr 02, 2019
11:56 AM
This post is really old but I was curious if you had a complete code snippet for your solution. ​ Is 'imge' your overlay image? ​I'm trying to do something similar - using FW1 - user clicks on a button (which I disable), then create a spreadsheet with cfspreadsheet and serve that with cfcontent/header but can't go back and re-enable the submit button afterwards. ​ ​Thanks! ​Jim
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